First time using Herdleader recommended by our vet as horse suffers from insect bites. I put a order in thinking it's worth a try and that evening said horse came in from the field with hives oñ both shoulder's and hind quarters. Herdleader arrived very quickly and I gave the recommended dose to her, by the following morning the hives had disappeared, I couldn't believe it as last year she had them for about 4 weeks covering her entire body. She's had a few spots since appearing but then going just as quickly so fingers crossed Herdleader will keep her immune system under control. She's only been on Herdleader for 3 weeks but so far very happy with the results. Hoping for a much easier summer for my mare who will continue to be on Herdleader ⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐
Welcome to Herdleader Lisa. Delighted to hear that your mare is happier on her new supplement & thanks for the 5* review.
Official last day of winter has just passes so started with this product before warmer days bring the biters out. So far I would say yes there is an improvement and less inclination to itch.
We appreciate you taking the time to post your review & very happy that your horse is more comfortable.
Can’t review yet it’s to soon .
I feed this all year round now to my elderly mare and she has stopped rubbing her tail. I did stop post summer which resulted in a few broken fence rails but within a few days of restarting, the problem stopped - thankfully.
Many thanks for your five stars. We're finding that more & more people are coming around to your way of thinking!
Wow finally something g that has stopped my boy itching l have tried everything over the last 10 months & nothing has helped him. Thank you 😊
Delighted to hear that your horse has responded so well to the product, many thanks for the feedback.
This is truly magical stuff! Has transformed the quality of life for my horse! He was a bad sweet itch sufferer, but this added daily to his feed has meant he can live out all year pretty much rug and itch free. At bad midge times I put a rug on to stop the itch/scratch cycle start, but he has no rubs/sores anywhere and a lovely mane and tail. Most important is he is happy!
Previous to using Herdleader, I had used pretty much every additive or topical potion going. None had the result Herdleader has had - you really would not know my horse was a sweet itch sufferer.
Big tip…. Start early in the season. I start at the beginning of February and keep going till the end of November. So only December and January without it - believe me it’s worth it!!
Love this, many thanks for our five stars. Excellent point you raise that may help others with your 'big tip' - 'Start early in the season. I start at the beginning of February and keep going till the end of November.'
Very good advice from Patsy!!
I am on my second bottle of Summer Itch Relief after my 16 year old gelding had a sweet itch flare up in August. Midges haven’t particularly bothered him in the past but this summer has been different & he was so itchy it was difficult to keep him in work. I have used this alongside a spot on insect repellent. The service from Herdleader has been very impressive with the product delivered next day on both occasions. The itching has completely subsided. Skin has healed along his mane & tail & he is much happier.
I'd agree, the midges have been particularly bad & they have definitely outstayed their welcome in our part of the world. Delighted to hear that your gelding is now more comfortable, happier, with a full set of floof too. Thanks for the feedback.
Just started using this so hopefully will see a difference in a couple of months. Quick delivery and reasonably priced so fingers crossed.
we recommend this product
Only been on it a short time along with other things I'm trying like shampoos and lotions. Still needing those but hoping it doesn't flare up again if hot weather returns